Ann Carine Vandaele
I graduated at the “Université Libre de Bruxelles; ULB”, where I obtained my Master degree in Civil Engineer (Physics) in July 1990. I did my PhD thesis in the same University, under supervision of Profs. R. Colin and P.C. Simon (researcher at the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy), developing an instrument for the detection of the trace gases in the troposhere. I obtained my PhD at ULB in 1997. Just after graduation, I joined the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, where I carried out my PhD work, devoting my research to the detection of trace gases by spectroscopic methods and performing laboratory measurements of spectroscopic parameters in support to atmospheric studies.
I was appointed Senior Research Assistant (Chargé de Recherche) at FRS-FNRS from 1999 to 2002, went back to IASB-BIRA as assistant, then was promoted to Senior Scientist in 2006. At that time I had started to build a new team at the Institute, whose objectives were the study of planetary atmospheres with spectroscopic instruments.
I am now head of the Planetary Atmosphere Research Group at IASB-BIRA and supervise research projects of a team of 15 persons. I am PI (Principal Investigator) of SOIR on board the ESA Venus Express mission (2006-2014), of NOMAD/ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter , and of the future VenSpec-H/EnVision instrument. My main scientific expertise lies in the development of IR and UV instruments, spectroscopy used by such instruments, and the radiative transfer modelling.
Hobby: reading, walking, (some years ago) karate

8 de septiembre de 2022